Tuesday, January 6, 2009

School is almost here

So, all my friends are coming back from winter break and school starts on the 20th. I am actually excited for this semester. My heart was not in last semester, but I still managed to get good grades. This semester however, will be different. I have a plan and I am already starting to put my plan in motion. Plus, I have Screen Printing this semester which makes me super happy.
My Schedule for Spring of 2009 is as follows:

Photographic Book-Tuesdays 1-6pm
Portfolio.Net-Tuesdays 7-8pm
Advanced Photography-Wednesdays 1-6pm
Art in Community-Thursdays 1-6pm
Screen Printing-Fridays 1-6pm

I hope this semester is what i hope it will be. I hope to actually get a grasp on what I want to do after i graduate, because I only have two semesters left, so that is not much time. I hope you all had a good Holiday Season.